View Profile mariomusicmaker1
fuck off.

no name @mariomusicmaker1

Age 36, Male

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I HATE people that do this...

Posted by mariomusicmaker1 - August 9th, 2008

And now that adiquit linkage is used im happy :D

/* */
yes that is my song, and on his user page he claims that it is free for use, yet last time i checked, audio protal songs are only for use on newgrounds. not go post it where ever you like with out adiquit credit or even a link to the original download... This should NOT be allowed and it pisses me off greatly.


wow, what a douchebag

Is that a remix of "angel" by...tiesto I believe? Also, hate jerks that "borrow" music and leave no credit.

Apparently that same guy has done that with a lot of audio portal stuff. Those kind of people are just losers with no talent who use other people's work to get viewers to visit their channel

get the video deleted by calling it illegal for stealing music without permission. something must be done ._.

Give me a phone call if you want him...erm, stopped.

Talk about an overreaction. This is a good thing. The title of the video is "Mariomusicmaker1 - Fable Remake" and in the author's comments, it says "Artist: Mariomusicmaker1
Song: Fable Remake"

So what do you mean no credit?

The reason the person posted this was to share your music with a wider audience. You should be glad; it's exposure.

As someone else said, the CC license which you submitted the song under claims they can use the song however they like as long as they aren't receiving money for it. It would be nice if they asked permission, but they don't have to unless they are expecting money.

This is a GOOD scenario. A BAD scenario would be if you found your song in a video or game and you weren't in the credits. Worse even would be if said video or game was sponsored. THEN you would have to leave some angry emails and do some work. NOW you just get to sit back and be glad that someone appreciated your work enough to want to share it with a wider audience.

Don't whine over foolish things. Be grateful for this.

P.S. I'm not complaining (<a href="http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=snayk&search_type=&aq=f">http://www.youtube.com/results?search _query=snayk&search_type=&aq=

i understand the whole CC thing, and that he has my user name next to it, BUT no mention of newgrounds and no link to where people can download my song and review it. all i want is a damn link to the song and if he dosnt want it linked i want it removed...

the logical thing to do is sue.

YEAH. looks like everything related with youtube is stolen.

they stole my flashes too lol

Just have a friendly talk with the man.

hey man you should chase him up and find out why he did this and then tell him your thoughts.... That untalented fuck

You're not alone : <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OLK-bnaaJw">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OLK-b naaJw</a>

They did it to me too. :< Though I actually happen to like this one, I found this without the guy telling me anything. At least you know people love you enough to post your stuff illegally =D

What a jackass!!!!

The thing I don't get is, why's the video just a still image? Is that what people do nowadays? They just pick a photo and a song and stick 'em together and go "OMG LUK I MAED ART?" That's what passes for creativity now? Wow. I give us ten years 'till extinction.


Hi, I'm Xmillsa the one who posted your music, with credit...
I don't know why you've decided to say I haven't given credit as it is clearly stated in the video information that you are the artist of the song.
I don't claim to have made any of the music I have uploaded, nor do I take credit for any of it and I never will.

Also about the free for use thing, that's because it is!
The creative commons doesn't state it is only for use on newgrounds.
Here's a link to the creative commons page, the one that newgrounds uses: <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b y-nc-sa/3.0/</a>

If you want a link to your page you could of simply asked instead of creating a page like this, I have no problems with taking requests from the author, or even other people, I will even remove the video if you want but there is no need to go on a rant and try to blame me as the bad guy. I have done nothing wrong, so please don't say I have.

Yes, I have uploaded a lot of songs from newgrounds and other music sites with a similar or same license, I try to make sure I dont do anything illegal.
So I have read through the license agreement a few times to make sure what I am doing is perfectly legal to do so.

I have already provided links, but if you dont think thats enough then I will be happy to remove the song, I have no wishes of making you unhappy.
Next time please just ask, I dont want to have to find another page like this.


Can't you take it to youtube complaints or something? And say this is your song, and it was stolen! It was not done with your consent! You as the artist o it, would like it removed! >: (



you got a youtube account? then you can always flag this vid for ignoring copyright

Wah wah wah they credited you and are even willing to link to the song. You could've saved yourself of all this complaining by asking them to add the link in the first place.

Face it Youtube is full of unoriginal theifs.

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