Hello people who care enough to visit my profile! i need some sugestions for my latest song, i dont know if i should continue or what.. soo 1 detailed review would be greatly appreciated! ty in advance!
fuck off.
Age 36, Male
Financial consultant
Joined on 3/9/06
Posted by mariomusicmaker1 - May 13th, 2008
Hello people who care enough to visit my profile! i need some sugestions for my latest song, i dont know if i should continue or what.. soo 1 detailed review would be greatly appreciated! ty in advance!
Posted by mariomusicmaker1 - April 13th, 2008
and i love you back!
1. 2minEXPIRED
2. 92511
3. AC1
4. AcmeProductions
5. adam5168
6. Aeonstars
7. Akjamen
8. andresfluf
9. AtomicToast
10. AVSciuto
11. AydenOfRayne
12. AznCloud21
13. Bankai2
14. bigmannn
15. Billybobjoebill
16. Bitzeralisis
17. Black-the-Hedgehog
18. Blade-Liger0
20. BloodyViking
21. bluehog4u
22. bub156
23. Burble
24. Cenetaurman
25. ChapMac9
26. Chicken-Nuggets
27. colorlesssky
28. communist10
29. coololdschoolsonic
30. coolpez6
31. CRC07
32. curruptedshadow
33. Cwolf042
34. Dark-Ninja1
35. Darqkiller
36. deathking1
37. DeathsRaid
38. demonmasteransem
39. Dj-UnKnOwN
40. DocterDude
41. DoomsHelper
42. Drkflash
43. DrMackFoxx
44. Efferus
45. Eliopod
46. ErkMedia
47. Etackett2010
48. Etheria
49. explotionman
50. FamilyGuy05
51. Fangskull
52. flamekiller186
53. flowergirl102
54. Frozijunkie
55. FurrFan
56. gaby2797
57. GingE001
58. Go4moo
59. greenlaw
60. Greynn
61. Hammerypart
62. hannuu
63. hawkalex1
64. heroic-jak
65. HuStudios
66. hypergamer8789
67. infintexposuer7775
68. jackhighwind
69. jake9
70. JakesFable
71. Jasonsto
72. Jioggy
73. joewhitcomb
74. Johngreene
75. jwalker7595
76. Kandazz
77. Kaviar101
78. kchrules
79. KidKhoas
80. killtheone
82. kire468
83. Krizy
84. krodin
85. Kurayami-Scream
86. kvsunfire3
87. Kyothine
88. LaosBull
89. Link-masta
90. madness121
91. maf016
92. Margadona
93. mcnichoj
94. mega-ballin-pimp-sev
95. MetalDart
96. Metaru-Soniku
97. mighty-blob
98. MindlessHavoc
99. Moogleking
100. narutomaster456
101. NavXIII
102. NightmareOkami
103. No-Picture
104. Nomader
105. oitne
106. Onizero
107. owlixx
108. paperparasonic2007
109. Phantonic
110. phoenixfirex
111. Psychophan7
112. Republican1235
113. Reyh
114. RimfireX
115. ruletheday
116. ryuadept
117. Shipwreck702
118. SirFrederAiK
119. smegskull
120. snyperscope
121. solidsnake1234
122. SolidSnakeDude
123. sonicman123
124. SoulMaster71
125. Sparky0572
126. Sparx-1
127. Spudboy16
128. StarWarsFanMan
129. strange188
130. strawhat
131. studio-nightbird
132. supergoron
133. supersonic105
134. suzukihondacivic
135. Tapil
136. The-Golden-One
137. The-Great-One
138. theblackaxe
139. theeketel
140. theforgottensoul99
141. TheMaskedOne
142. Thesuit11
143. TimeForKeyblades
144. Tomajko
145. trooper1011
146. twilight151
147. UltraPiggy
148. vandinmiar
149. Vegito567
150. Vereux0
151. VhsTapeclock
152. Warrior536
153. Warts
154. WeezyF
155. WernerWarhead14
156. Wicked-Juggalo
157. XD0042006
159. xxhammerbladexx
160. yggdrasil42
161. Zack1257
162. zaperatus
163. Zatropia
164. zeroxposuer6664
165. zip-up-turtle
166. ZombiePhil
Posted by mariomusicmaker1 - March 20th, 2008
ehh i made this and the thread got deleted sooo..... i just dont want 20 seconds to go to waste :D
Posted by mariomusicmaker1 - February 19th, 2008
AND THE REAL Ellen McLain RESPONDED TO MY LETTER WITHIN THE HOUR! This is the happiest day of my life! i had a sshort conversation with the real Ellen McLain my idol, any way here is what i wrote to her and what she wrote back, im blocking her e mail because god knows what the NG comunity would do with such a thing.... dangerous.
oh and picture for proof!
Hello, I got this e mail address from an unreliable source so if i am not e mailing Ellen McLain then please disregard this message.
any way HI! im a huge fan of portal and well i have never been compelled to write an email to a voice actress of a video game before, so i guess you did something right! i feel like im making a complete ass of my self but i just want to let you know how much i appreciated your work on the game portal and i hope you can continue to be involved in the video game industry because your charter is by far the most characteristic of any ever in a video game, hell even more convincing then most movies. all because of your voice and the magic of computers. ha. well.... um thanks for being awesome!
a HUGE fan.
******** to me
show details 9:16 PM
Dear ***** --
Thank you for making a complete ass of yourself!!!! I love compliments! Thank you so much for taking the time to write. I really enjoy working with the Valve folks and have every intention of continuing to work in the computer game industry.
keep on gaming!!!!
Ellen McLain (GlaDOS)
Care for some cake?
- Show quoted text -
so i guess that means there is a strong possibility of her doing another valve game! maby HL2 EP 3 or even PORTAL 2! or a completly new game but any way this made my fucking night!
Posted by mariomusicmaker1 - January 3rd, 2008
I am weening my self away from life so as to enjoy the wonders that are halo 3 round the clock,
xbl name is manontherun18 if your ever up for a challenge leave me a message >:)
Posted by mariomusicmaker1 - October 23rd, 2007
Had to put my cat down today, I regarded him as my brother.
Kamper, September 13 1996 - October 23 2007,
I will never forget you and will think about you every single day,
If I get another pet it will not be to forget you, but to remember you, Good bye.