View Profile mariomusicmaker1

279 Audio Reviews

163 w/ Responses


This is the best thing i have ever layed ears on! Super fantasti, i wish i could do this.... eh

the only thing i would change is the hi hat. it is a but sharp.


the claps are the saving grace of this song and quite frankly there realy neat.

it is not how ever dancey at all. kinda makes me want to sit down and listen rather than getting up and dancing. but i like it and the cow bell ( ? ) also sounds neat near the end. good effort and such


Best fucking song on NG


Best Fucking Song On NG! ok do i realy need to say more?
I love every aspect of this song and i salute you sir!

Pyroific responds:

LMAO these Reviews make me happy xD

i like the bass......

Sadly that is all...

i TRIED realy hard to like it but it just wasnt happening.. to all over the place? you need some direction and progression to realy lift this track up. the main melodies are good and stuff but the song as a whole ruins it for me.

nice try, im sure some one likes it,, just not me.


This is prity good, actualy it is great! i love the vocals, and the stabby strings are great,

i gave you a 4 because of the electric zapping sound is realy over used and harsh, but if you used it a bit less and put a hi pass on it i would 5 u :D great job and im going to cheak out your other work soon ,

Lol i listen to this at school,

any way i did indeed fall asleep and well i deserved the rest :P

im asuming you made this with reason, what is that awsom piano! i need to find it.

the flute is probly my favorite part of this song and the bells accent this song perfictly. the drums are nice but the 16th notes kinda threw me off as i was expecting somthing a bit calmer with out the open hat.

all togather this is a near perfict song and shall be bookmarked and also will be moved to my exclusive sunday nite music file that only gets the best of all ambiant / relaxing clasical ever made !

lol thanks for your review/ s to :D

:') omg,,,

This has got to be the best song i have herd all week! love the snare and the tamberene combo very nice. if i had to guess i would say you made this with reason am i rite:D

I love the whole song but i feel the opening piano variation should be a bit softer or just filter out the high part a tinsey bit.. nothing a quick EQ cant do :D


Cosmos8942 responds:

:D Its mario, I have a couple of your songs on my iPod :P. Glad to see someone actually likes this song...even on the one that I posted originally it doesn't have more than 20 votes, heck; the last time I checked it didn't even have more than 10 T.T. Many people seem to not even know about me as I get very little hits on any of my music...it sucks >.>. Oh well, kinda happy to see one of the artists that I like has posted a review on a song that I spent a bit of time on...

But I don't us Reason XD, for me its mostly Anvil Studio and FL Studio (Demo version, I don't know why people whine about not being able to save...just export the file as a midi file ><).

Anyhow! Thanks for the review :D,


Love the backround sounds. very nice and detailed. the bass is a bit to think and has broken my picture ( ill send you the bill) but i like it ALOT! good job iom going to go listen to the intor one now :D

ChroPh0re responds:

Crap, I hate bills. Brb, gotta get a job.

And What dose HE DO!

AWSoME! i mean my mom came in to see if i was masterbating but it still sounds REALY cool! lol, it is so funny,

all my favorite quotes are here to, 5/5 10/10.

you have inspired me to do another song like this.


fuck off.

no name @mariomusicmaker1

Age 36, Male

Financial consultant


Joined on 3/9/06

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